Monday, 2 December 2013

How Men Trick Fine Girls in Lagos

In Lagos it’s so easy for men to use the term “Fine Girl” to get a woman’s attention even when the reverse is the case. But, really, what does it mean to be a fine girl in Lagos? How has this short phrase of flattery turn into a means to an end?

What does it take to be a fine girl in Lagos?

Does it mean each girl is in a silent competition against the next girl, trying to get better clothes, high shoes, and Brazilian hairs, brighten complexion and etc.

Is this all about being a “Fine Girl”? Are those the main ingredients that make up a fine girl in Lagos?

Lately, the male have capitalise on this concept of beeing a fine girls to take advatage of the female gender and these could be seen every night in the city. as the so call fine girls try to out wit each other in every events and club life. 

It has become the bait which guys in Lagos use in transacting to get into pants of our naija girls? Loud music, expensive B-boy toys ,expensive alcohol beverages in demand and the promise of a good life.

Is it possible for a woman to lose herself in the quest for beauty? Can she just wake up and not recognise herself in the mirror because so much demands from her peers? Will the quest for beauty ever end or is it a matter of changing oneself as the trends change?

Just for fun, what is the worst “Fine Girl” experience you have ever had anywhere? There is care in sharing. 

Have a great Xmas season ahead.

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